May 20, 2009

Valdez Girls' Sestina poem

A sestina poem contains six six-line stanzas, where the same set of end words are used in a rolling pattern throughout the stanzas. The line pattern is below.


Five girls from Valdez, Sheyla, Jessica, Ana, Griselda, and Angelia and their writing coach, Andrea wrote the below sestina after taking a walk around their community.

A - Ants
B - Trees
C - Clover
D - Grass
E - Murals
F - Sprinklers

I see small red ants.
Who gives us oxygen? The trees.
I like to see beautiful clovers.
Outside you see green grass.
There are beautiful murals.
To get the grass green we turn on the sprinklers.

Oh, I see sprinklers.
What's up ants!
I see a mural.
I see a big tree.
I like green grass.
I like four leaf clovers.

Always the cool things are clovers.
My yard has sprinklers.
In the park there is always grass.
The dirt has a lot of ants.
Some leaves are always on trees.
In our school there are murals.

There are beautiful murals.
Angelia loves clovers.
There were mostly big trees.
There were a lot of dirty sprinklers.
There were a bunch of red ants.
There was usually a little green grass.

The color of green is the color of grass.
I saw all kind of murals.
I hate ants.
I love clovers.
I saw sprinklers.
I hate small trees.

I saw an egret land on the trees.
He dropped an egg on the grass.
A man wearing a red shirt turned on the sprinklers.
The water poured all over our murals.
I made a necklace out of clovers.
Then I fed it to the ants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute!!

--Angela in Chicago