September 29, 2009

The Swine Flu is No Match for SCORES

The SCORES season is well underway.  We had a great game day on Friday, and a special apperance from Futbol Kingdom at the Munroe vs. Cheltenham match up made the day extra exciting. 

With the weather changing, and germs slowly filling the classroom, now is a very important time to keep our poet athletes healthy and energized.  Swine flu scares have been filling the newsrooms, and "washing your hands" commercials have been running rampant around Denver.  But do not fear, for there are a few myths about Swine Flu which I am about to disclose to you so that you can know the truth and can keep your families and athletes healthy...(for more information please visit HERE)

Myth #1:  Swine flu is much worse than seasonal flu - FALSE
   So far, the swine flu hasn't shown signs of being more powerful than the seasonal flu, but it is slightly more contagious.  Part of this reason is that most people don't have any immunity to swine flu, unlike other season flu strains to which we may have been exposed to before.

Myth #2:  Young, healthy people shouldn't worry about catching the Swine Flu - FALSE
   Unlike seasonal flu which has the most serious health effects in people older than 65, 75% of serious Swine Flu cases and 60% of deaths have occured in people younger than 49.  In fact, 1/3 of adults over 60 have a pre-existing immunity to the H1N1 strain which may be due to a similar strain being present during their childhood.

Myth #3:  The flu vaccine can cause the flu - FALSE
    Flu shots are made with dead strains of the virus, which means they can't replicate.  While you can get swelling and achiness at the injection site and a low-grade fever, this is just how some peoples' bodies respond to the vaccine.  They are not symptoms of the flu, only a minor side effect of getting the shot.

Myth #4:  It's better to get the flu than get vaccinated - FALSE
    The problem with the flu is that there is no way to tell how a person will respond to the infection.  The risk of side effects from the flu vaccine is very low, and right now the risk of contracting the flu is very high.

Myth #5:  If you get the Swine Flu, go to the ER - FALSE
    If you get a mild case of the Swine Flu, the best thing to do is stay home and treat the symptoms (take a fever/pain reducer, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and get plenty of rest and fluids).  A trip to the ER will only end up exposing more people to the infection.  However if you start having complications such as difficulty breathing, pain in chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, or severe vomiting, you should see your doctor right away.

Myth #6:  You should go back to work once you feel better - FALSE
    Experts urge Swine Flu sufferers to stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever goes away without using fever-reducing meds.

And there you have it...stay healthy out there!

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