March 24, 2009

Why exercising is important for children

As obesity rates continue to grow, we here at America SCORES Denver, and throughout all the America SCORES affiliates, try to teach and instill healthy habits in our students. A national evalution of the America SCORES program has show that we increase the physical fitness of our participants, while helping decrease their chances of obesity.

For the full article from the American Council of Exercise please click here.

The Top Ten Reasons Children Should Exercise

1. Kids who exercise are more likely to keep exercising as an adult.
2. Exercise helps kids achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
3. Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints.
4. Exercise aids in the development of important interpersonal skills—this is especially true for participation in team sports.
5. Exercise improves the quantity and quality of sleep.
6. Research shows that exercise promotes improved school attendance and enhances academic performance.
7. Kids who exercise have greater self-esteem and better self-images.
8. Participating in regular physical activity prevents or delays the development of many chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension) and promotes health.
9. Children who are active report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and a better overall mood.
10. Exercise helps improve motor coordination and enhances the development of various motor performance skills.

March 20, 2009

America SCORES Denver to Host Red Carpet Poetry Slam!

First don't forget about the Poetry Slam Contest! See the post below for more information.

What: Red Carpet Poetry Slam Fundraising Event
When: April 2, 2009 5:00PM – 7:00PM with program starting at 5:30PM
Where: Denver Newspaper Agency Building, 101 W Colfax, Denver, CO 80202

Denver Public Schools Superintendent, Tom Boasberg, will be making a special guest appearance at this fundraising event and the evening will consist of poetry performances by SCORES students, an awards ceremony, silent auction, and a cocktail and hors d’oeuvres reception. Two of the featured SCORES students will be heading to New York City at the end of April to participate in the National Poetry Slam. Tickets for general admission will be $50 with all proceeds benefiting America SCORES Denver. Please visit our website for more information on the fundraising event. To directly purchase your $50 tickets, please click here.

March 18, 2009

It's Time for a Poetry Slam Contest!

That's right. It's time to put on your thinking cap and come up with your best soccer haiku. What is a haiku you ask? A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that consists of 17 morae (syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern. An example of a haiku is:

Dribble, pass, dribble
Past the defenders I go
To score a quick goal

What's the prize you ask? Well, with our Red Carpet Poetry Slam Fundraising event coming up on April 2nd, the winner will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the event! Visit our webpage and look under news and events for more information on our fundraising event!

To Enter: email me, Julie at with your soccer haiku, name, and phone number best to reach you at. Please put Slam contest in the subject line of the email. Contest begins today and will end on Thursday March, 26th at 5PM.

How will the winner be selected? By you, our fans and supporters of America SCORES Denver! On Friday March 27th our office will pick the top 4 soccer haiku and post them on the blog. We will put a poll up so that you can vote for the winner! Voting will go to Tuesday March 31st at 5PM with the winner announced on April 1st at 10AM.

If you have any questions leave a comment or email me at the above address. Let's get this Slam going!

March 11, 2009

Helping Others Helps You!

Service-learning is an integral component of our Spring program. It allows our students to view and ponder their community in a different aspect, while digressing and collaborating with each other on ways to beautify their community; exploring the root cause(s) of issues; and deciding how to generate change. Our Writing for the Community curriculum enables our poet-athletes to become engaged members of their community while emphasizing and growing teamwork and leadership skills.

According to Kids Health, community service has a variety of positive impacts on youth. For the full article click here. Below is an excerpt from the article.

What Kids Can Learn From Volunteering
If volunteering begins at an early age, it can become part of kids' lives — something they might just expect and want to do.

It can teach them:
- A sense of responsibility. By volunteering, kids and teens learn what it means to make and keep a commitment. They learn how to be on time for a job, do their best, and be proud of the results. But they also learn that, ultimately, we're all responsible for the well-being of our communities.

- That one person can make a difference. A wonderful, empowering message for kids is that they're important enough to have an impact on someone or something else.

- The benefit of sacrifice. By giving up a toy to a less fortunate child, a child learns that sometimes it's good to sacrifice. Cutting back on recreation time to help clean up a beach tells kids that there are important things besides ourselves and our immediate needs.

- Tolerance. Working in community service can bring kids and teens in touch with people of different backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities, ages, and education and income levels. They'll learn that even the most diverse individuals can be united by common values.

- Job skills. Community service can help young people decide on their future careers. Are they interested in the medical field? Hospitals and clinics often have teenage volunteer programs. Do they love politics? Kids can work on the real campaigns of local political candidates. Learning to work as a team member, taking on leadership roles, setting project goals — these are all skills that can be gained by volunteering and will serve kids well in any future career.

-How to fill idle time wisely. If kids aren't involved in traditional after-school activities, community service can be a wonderful alternative.

March 9, 2009

Spring is Here!

Today we kickoff the beginning of our Spring Program! For the next 1o weeks our poet-athletes will be working on their soccer skills and learning about the importance of their community and how they can become involved in it through the service-learning component of our program.

If you were ever wondering how our program impacts our students, please read the testimonals we have received from coaches, teachers, and parents!

- America Scores Denver impacts our students and community in many positive ways. It is an enrichment program that has become integral to our students’ education and school experience. It also brings families together to support students at soccer games and listen to the poetry readings.

- My daughter went to the doctor a few times before joining America SCORES Denver and the doctor said that she was overweight. This year we went in and the doctor said she's doing great. Her weight is perfect, so physical activity and exercise has definitely helped.

- One third grader was very shy. She has now grown in confidence with the help of her teammates and is exceptionally proud of her involvement in the team.

- Because of America SCORES Denver my son has definitely committed himself to studying more, and his academics have been stronger because of it! America SCORES Denver provides a great collaborative atmosphere.

- In America SCORES Denver my daughter has learned about commitment. She knows she has to be at practice on time and that she has to commit herself to school to get somewhere in life.

- One child has only the worst examples as role models –belonging to a team, following a code of sportsmanship (rules of the game), meeting and working towards common goals has made this child smile.

- SCORES students become classroom leaders willing to try new things.

- In America SCORES Denver my daughter has learned about teamwork both on and off the field. She follows through and I have seen her grow each season even in her school/homework.

- One of the players had been attending school since kindergarten and he is now in 4th grade. The whole time he was in ELS (Spanish only). But since being on the team, playing & writing, his English has improved dramatically

- My daughter lives for America SCORES Denver. She just lives for it.”

March 4, 2009


In honor of yesterday (Tuesday) being National Sportsmanship Day and being one of the core values of America SCORES I thought it would be appropriate to blog about sportsmanship.

What is sportsmanship? Why is it important? How do you be a "good sport?"

In general sportmanship is being a "good winner" and a good loser;" agreeing to play fair and follow the rules before, during, and after a game. Since this is easier said than done when you are outside the relm of a heated and intense game, below are some pointers on how to establish good sportsmanship in your children and display it yourself.

For the full article by Kids Health on displaying good sportsmanship, please click here.

- Unless you're coaching your child's team, you need to remember that you're the parent. Shout words of encouragement, not directions, from the sidelines (there is a difference!).

- If you are your kid's coach, don't expect too much out of your own child. Don't be harder on him or her than on anyone else on the team, but don't play favorites either.

- Keep your comments positive. Don't bad-mouth coaches, players, or game officials. If you have a serious concern about the way that games or practices are being conducted, or if you're upset about other parents' behavior, discuss it privately with the coach or with a league official.

- After a competition, it's important not to dwell on who won or lost. Instead, try asking, "How did you feel you did during the game?" If your child feels weak at a particular skill, like throwing or catching, offer to work on it together before the next game.

- Applaud good plays no matter who makes them.

- Set a good example with your courteous behavior toward the parents of kids on the other team. Congratulate them when their kids win.

- Remember that it's your kids, not you, who are playing. Don't push them into a sport because it's what you enjoyed. As kids get older, let them choose what sports they want to play and decide the level of commitment they want to make.

- Keep your perspective. It's just a game. Even if the team loses every game of the season, it's unlikely to ruin your child's life or chances of success.

- Look for examples of good sportsmanship in professional athletes and point them out to your kids. Talk about the bad examples, too, and why they upset you.

- Finally, don't forget to have fun. Even if your child isn't the star, enjoy the game while you're thinking of all the benefits your child is gaining — new skills, new friends, and attitudes that can help all through life.

March 2, 2009

America SCORES Denver has moved!

That's right, we decided we were ready for some change and moved into this sweet shared space on 29th Ave. Please update your contacts with our new address:

4900 W. 29th Ave
Denver, CO 80212
