February 22, 2011

Megan Evans reflects on artist influence and Inspired Art

I remember being a young person writing poetry, creating artworks, trying to start out in the world as a person, figuring out my talents. What we did as youth: it was important stuff.  I’m so excited about this project, and have loved having the inspiration for a new art piece...this young eight-year-old [poet Jorge M.] has certainly brought out some life in his words, and even in his poem’s simplicity, it has brought out a renewed color vibrance in my work.
Read more about Megan at inspiredartdenver.wordpress.com.

February 14, 2011

Cynthia Ligeros Returns for Year Two

“As I paint, I explore the landscape around us, and how it connects to our lives.  Each of my paintings, in a way, is an autobiography of one moment in my life.”
Ligeros talking about her work

Read more at the Inspired Art Website.
To view some of Cyhtina’s work please visit her website at  www.cynthialigeros.com.

February 8, 2011

First Jewelry Piece Submitted to Inspired Art

Originally a painter, Kathleen Gatliffe turned engineer and then metalsmith.  Her preferred medium is enamel on copper. For this year’s Inspired Art Auction she has chosen to create a pendant inspired by “Fruit” by Kimberly C.

“I really enjoyed how vivid Kimberly’s poem evoked ripe fruit eaten with great joy … perhaps picked fresh from a tree. In addition, the poem I illustrated last year referenced wolves, and it seemed fitting to illustrate another wolfchild’s work. I etched enamel so it would have the soft look of a mango’s skin and to represent the bight fibrous fruit inside I stuffed in with wool roving. ”

Read more about Kathleen Gatliffe and the Inspired Art Project at www.inspiredartdenver.wordpress.com.

February 4, 2011

Comments from Marilyn Leuzler

“I find the Inspired Art project to be just that; Inspired Art, brought to life by the often haunting poems written by children. The goal of the project is wonderful and not only allows children to play soccer, but gives them a venue in which to express themselves through poetry. This is truly a most rewarding project, both for me as an artist who thrives on working with children, and for the children who take part.”
Veteran inspired artist, Marilyn Leuzler, talking about the Inspired Art Project