November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving...and a little hip hop too

The staff here at America SCORES Denver would like to take this time and wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the beautiful weather, the delicious food, and before you go home for the holidays sit back, and enjoy some amazing dancing. 

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

November 19, 2009

Pictures from the Poetry Slam!

They are finally here!  Pictures from this year's poetry slam can now be viewed by CLICKING HERE.  They may also be found on our facebook fan page.  These were all taken by one of our SCORES volunteers, Mr. Chris Richardson, and we would like to give a huge thanks to all those who helped put on this event.

Just a few reminders:
1.  T-shirts may still be ordered online...get them while you still can! (a design of the t-shirt can be found under the October 15th blog)
2.  If you have not done so already, please join our Facebook Cause: Support Urban Poet-Athletes.  We need your help to spread the word about this incredible program.

And now, for a little preview of some of the Poetry Slam pictures...

November 17, 2009

Puzzle Time!!

Thats right, it's puzzle time....and the time to beat is 5:22.  With the season now over, and Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I thought it was time for some fun and games.  The picture is a little harder, so be prepared to be challenged.  And if your puzzle skills somehow beat our office time, please comment and let us know how you did.

Click to Mix and Solve

November 13, 2009

Inside of me...I hear music

In order to keep celebrating our incredible Fall Season, I thought it would be appropriate to share some select poems from Tuesday's Poetry Slam.  Is is no question that the level of talent in this years poets was outstanding, and I wish I could share every students amazing performance.  However, you will have to settle for this little peek into the talent from the night...

Inside of me, I hear Music
Janet G., Cowell Elementary

Inside of me, I hear music. The kinds of instruments I hear inside of me are guitars, electric guitars, and other kinds of instruments. The kinds of music I like is hip hop, techno, and heavy metal. The music in me describes how I act, how I live, and how my feelings feel. But my song is not the only song. Sometimes I hear other people singing along with me. Inside of me I hear a strong beat. I hear my auntie that is in Mexico singing with me. Inside of me, my song is strong.

I Remember
Destinee Q., Cheltenham Elementary

Yo me recuerdo cuando no tenia
ganas de hacer nada como nada

I remember what I was supposed
To remember then I remembered
My remembers
Then I remembers my remembers
Then all of a sudden a new remember
Came, my baby brother was my new

Me recuerdo cuando tenia gands de recordarme
De me vida pero bo me requerda de mi

Andree C., Cheltenham Elementary

We are the scorpions the poisonous scorpions
We came to play and have fun how about you
We got sportsmanship how about you
We got leadership how about you
We got commitment how about you
We are the Scorpions who are you

November 11, 2009

Highlights from 10th Annual Poetry Slam

Last night our SCORES students performed in front of a very full house at the Oriental Theatre.  The night was a huge success thanks to the hard work that each poet and coach put into their performance.  The energy in the room was incredible, and we would like to give a huge thanks to our volunteers, as well as our MC's, Matt Zambrano and Biko, for adding such enthusiasm to the stage.  Below is a video of the slideshow that was shown during the middle of the program, so if you were unable to attend last nights show, check it out.  It features pictures of each team in action.

If you were unable to purchase your America SCORES Denver T-shirt after last nights event, they are still available online.  CLICK HERE to get yours today!

November 5, 2009

Words of Wisdom

We would like to take some time and give a big thanks to all of the coaches who have put their time and energy into our program this season.  Their dedication and hard work truly impacts and inspires SCORES students, and none of this would be possible without them.  At the beginning of the year, we ask each coach to fill out some short interview questions about themselves, and we would like to highlight each coach by sharing with you their words of wisdom. (Some coaches may not be listed)

"It only takes one person to change your life....YOU!"
"Never settle for less than your best"
          -Amy Olivas, Barnum Elementary
"Stay focused, do your  job, and do it to the best of your ability"
         -Julio Olivas, Barnum Elementary
"Laughing is always the best medicine!"
         -Gretchen Hegener Rech, Brown Elementary
"Effort and positive attitude will take you far"
         -Amanda Kay Swift, Brown Elementary
"Honesty will take you far in life"
        -Barbara Marcus, Brown Elementary
"It doesn't matter when you cross the finish line as long as you cross it"
        -Laura Sandoval, Cheltenham Elementary
"Always think outside of yourself and give back to the community in a positive way"
        -Theresa McGuire, Cowell Elementary
"Look for the people around you that will make good choices and will help you make good choices"
"Seek out adults that can support you when you are struggling"
"Respect the people around you, and they will respect you"
       -Alyse Hirschhorn, Cowell Elementary
"Be the best you can be, and feel proud of yourself"
       -Leticia Rodriguez
"Quitters never win.  Winners never quit.  Remember this, especially when you're playing soccer"
       -Chris Webb, Eagleton Elementary
"Good, better, best.  Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best!"
       -Amanda Webb, Eagleton Elementary
"It's ok to not know something and it's ok to ask questions"
"Failure leads to success"
       -Nancy Lytle, Knapp Elementary
"Live life to it's fullest"
       -Autumn Brown, Munroe Elementary
"Never give up even when you feel you can't go anymore.  Always know the sun will shine after the storm"
       -Luis Munoz, Newlon Elementary
"Find something that motivates you, and never be afraid to make mistakes because it's the best way to learn"
       -Sarah Kohler, Newlon Elementary

November 3, 2009

Mark Your Calendars...

Sadly, the end of the fall season is upon us...but fear not because with the end of the season comes our much anticipated Poetry Slam!  Our students and coaches have all been working vigorously on their poetry performances, and it should be a night to remember.  The event will be held a week from today on Tuesday, November 10th at the Oriental Theatre (4335 W 44th Ave, Denver, CO, 80212).  America SCORES Denver T-Shirts will be available at the event, so don't foret to plan accordingly.  We hope to see you there.