November 13, 2009

Inside of me...I hear music

In order to keep celebrating our incredible Fall Season, I thought it would be appropriate to share some select poems from Tuesday's Poetry Slam.  Is is no question that the level of talent in this years poets was outstanding, and I wish I could share every students amazing performance.  However, you will have to settle for this little peek into the talent from the night...

Inside of me, I hear Music
Janet G., Cowell Elementary

Inside of me, I hear music. The kinds of instruments I hear inside of me are guitars, electric guitars, and other kinds of instruments. The kinds of music I like is hip hop, techno, and heavy metal. The music in me describes how I act, how I live, and how my feelings feel. But my song is not the only song. Sometimes I hear other people singing along with me. Inside of me I hear a strong beat. I hear my auntie that is in Mexico singing with me. Inside of me, my song is strong.

I Remember
Destinee Q., Cheltenham Elementary

Yo me recuerdo cuando no tenia
ganas de hacer nada como nada

I remember what I was supposed
To remember then I remembered
My remembers
Then I remembers my remembers
Then all of a sudden a new remember
Came, my baby brother was my new

Me recuerdo cuando tenia gands de recordarme
De me vida pero bo me requerda de mi

Andree C., Cheltenham Elementary

We are the scorpions the poisonous scorpions
We came to play and have fun how about you
We got sportsmanship how about you
We got leadership how about you
We got commitment how about you
We are the Scorpions who are you

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