December 29, 2011

Psalm One is wrapping up her tour

Recent news about our favorite rapper, Psalm One, who worked with Knapp Elementary SCORES participants in Denver this fall...
She has been busy in 2011! With a music release, an appearance on MTV's MADE, and the nationwide tour with The ASCAP Songwriter Residency @ America SCORES, Psalm has been going non-stop.
Help support her mission and her music by pledging to her Kickstarter project! There are a few days left to reach the goal of $8,000, and they need everyone's help! You can pledge even $1, and by doing so you'll be helping her upgrade her equipment, finish the last studio sessions for her next full-length commercial release, and more importantly you'll be helping her continue her youth mentoring program, Charm Lab!

Thanks to everyone who supports Psalm One in her journey, as you're helping our poet-athletes' voices be heard.

December 23, 2011

Soccer Clinics Benefit SCORES

Over 60 kids participated in the "F-U-N holiday soccer clinic (ages u5-u9)" and "attacking soccer clinic (ages 10-12)" this week at Bill Roberts school.  The curriculum focused on fun, attack-oriented games and offensive skills.  All activities were co-developed and administered by experienced player-coaches including Bob Boyle, America SCORES Denver Board of Directors member and volunteer, and his brother Bill Boyle, a United States Soccer Federation 'A' licensed coach.

Our very own Executive Director and Coach Across America members were also part of the fun which had to be moved indoors to Bill Roberts school due to the Denver snow.  We had an amazing group of soccer players both days, and thanks to the generous contributions of participants $1,000 is being donated to America SCORES Denver.

None of this would have been possible without the donated time and energy of the Boyle brothers--what a great gift of fitness and fun to the participants, and a much appreciated gift of money to continue the inspirational programming provided to SCORES' poet-athletes in 2012!  Thanks to you all!

December 5, 2011

We're featured in Sunday's "Denver & The West"

Chris Webb instructs Eagleton Elementary students
in soccer after school on a recent afternoon,
as part of America SCORES Denver,
which combines academics and activity.
(RJ Sangosti, the Denver Post)

The Sunday December 4th Denver Post included an article highlighting America SCORES Denver as part of the "Season to Share" series.  Photos and video from a soccer practice and coaches at Eagleton Elementary were featured. See the story online at this link: and check out  the video as well!
Cassandra Arreola, a 5th grader
in Denver, plays soccer after school
as part of the America SCORES program.
(RJ Sangosti, the Denver Post)

We're pleased to be one of the organizations that received funding through Denver Post Charities Season to Share! Nearly $2.7 million was granted to local nonprofit agencies through this program last year.  Donations are matched at 50 cents to the dollar, and 100% of all contributions plus the match goes to local nonprofits.

Have you shared yet? See the coupon in Sunday's paper or call 800-518-3972 or visit

November 9, 2011

Great Fall Season, Denver!

This is the final week of programming in Denver and tonight's Poetry Slam was evidence of the hard work our poet-athletes put into their writing sessions!

America SCORES Denver's 12th Annual Poetry Slam! was held November 8th at Abraham Lincoln High School.  Parents, guests and other schools' teams were entertained by students performing their original work in groups and individually.  Attendees also enjoyed performances by SCORES's special guest Jose Guerrero, a DU student who also attended west Denver schools, is a leading local actor, and competes nationally as a slam poet.  What a great night!

Thank you to all our wonderful soccer and writing coaches as well as the liaisons at each of the ten schools hosting America SCORES Denver!  Without you we couldn't provide after-school programming to 320 students in DPS and we appreciate your dedication.

Have a wonderful holiday season, everyone.  We'll see you in a few months!

November 2, 2011

We're the Daily Deal!

G-TeamYou don't have to be part of the extreme coupon craze, or even buy into an occasional online bargain to know this good deal when you see it! Who wouldn't want to visit Groupon to make a difference in the lives of others?  Not me. Not you. And we're hoping all your friends (real ones and the Facebook kind) will want to too!

 G-TeamToday, November 1st through Thursday, November 3rd, America SCORES Denver is being featured by the G-Team, a community outreach initiative within Groupon that bring communities together to do good, have fun, and make an impact.  G-Team has been working in Denver to help mission-driven organizations like ours raise money and awareness, channeling the collective buying power of Groupon followers and our local supporters.  100% of the proceeds raised through Groupon will come back to America SCORES Denver!

Tonight the "deal" tipped at 40 supporters!  In our first full day of the campaign we have received enough clickers and sharers to make sure this event goes forward.  Now our work is cut out for us to get the word out to the rest of our friends and make some new ones.  America SCORES Denver's Board of Directors has agreed to match each donation up to $1500.  Don't miss out on this Groupon-for-good opportunity!
Click here for our Denver Deal

October 28, 2011

Teams Are Preparing for Upcoming SLAM!

Poetry Slam! is around the corner and America SCORES kids are getting ready by adding details to their poetry, creating actions that emphasize their words, and practicing in front of peers and coaches.

Here is a glimpse of what's to come from Munroe boys:
          It looks like a shadow walking down the street
          It sounds like a bat flapping his wings in the dark, spooky sky
          It tasted like a tortilla burned up in my stove
          It smelled like my stinky, smelly, nasty shoe
          It feels like spikey, gelled hair
          What color is it?     (black)

          It looks like a shiny FIFA trophy
          It sounds like a dangerous and fast cheetah
          It tastes like a delicious homemade tamale
          It feels like a soft Cocker Spaniel puppy
          It smells like a shiny treasure
          What color is it?      (gold)

We're sure you'll enjoy the other two colors they've written about!  

Make sure not to miss the 12th Annual Poetry Slam! at Abraham Lincoln High School November 8th from 5:30 to 7:30PM.  Come hear all the Denver poet-athletes perform their original works from the fall season and bring your money for an America SCORES Denver t-shirt!

October 19, 2011

Days 2 and 3 - Writing, Practicing, Recording

Thursday, October 13th Psalm One visited Knapp Elementary for a second day of writing and preparation for studio time on Monday the 17th. SCORES participants got out their pencils and put to paper their thoughts about what someone might say about them on their hundredth birthdays, positive behaviors that make them the "smart gang" and what they might tell an alien who came to their game on Friday.

Our talented guest then pulled examples from the writing to help create verses, including this one the poet-athletes memorized for their studio recording!

          Yes we're ready to make it right
          Say no to drugs and live yo' life
          This is our time to do our thang
          'Cause we're the smart gang
          We're the smart gang!

Monday afternoon the poets-turned-rappers were welcomed at Side 3 Studios by Psalm One and the magicians at the sound board who made them sound fabulous. Each student had a turn in front of the microphone, and in the studio to watch their headphone-wearing teammates. After the excitement everyone had a little time to play in the lounge.

We were all sad to say goodbye to our new friend but everyone is excited to hear how the song turns out! Thank you to ASCAP Songwriter Residency @ America SCORES, Side 3 Studios, Rhymesayers Entertainment, and of course to Psalm One for her time and talents!

October 13, 2011

Day 1 was fun with Psalm One!

getting started with Q & A
...Okay, so we're no rappers, but the SCORES teams at Knapp might be!

On day 1 of our participation in the ASCAP Songwriter Residency @ America SCORES Knapp Elementary's SCORES teams got to know Psalm One through a lot of questions, picked their favorite beat, and began to write.  Our poet-athletes wrote about what they each like and what they think makes Denver and/or their school cool.

sharing work
Psalm One works through the students' writing to create her portion of the song after their session together, and today Knapp teams will create their section(s) of the collaboration.  Friday is "game day" for America SCORES Denver so Psalm and the kids will record their hip hop creation Monday afternoon.

Keep checking back to see and hear what's new!

October 6, 2011

Psalm One is coming to Denver to work with Knapp Elementary's SCORES teams!

Hip hop artist Psalm One is on a 9 city tour with The ASCAP Songwriter Residency @ America SCORES. It's been fun to watch what happens in other cities. Check it out here Psalm One at America Scores

We're excited to see what happens next!  As we get ready to welcome Psalm One to Denver make sure you visit our blog and Facebook for updates.

October 3, 2011

Fall Season is off to a great start!

Denver teams had a great time at Fall Frenzy on September 24th! Thank you to the ladies of Regis Univeristy Women's Soccer who made such a successful Saturday event possible.

Poet-athletes have each had a home and away game so far, and are busy on writing days learning about haiku, acrostics and alliteration among other fun poetic devices.  Stay tuned for more good stuff from Denver!

August 18, 2011

Who will take the SCORES Cup this year?

Trade in your business suits for laced up boots and get ready for fun in the sun at Dick's Sporting Goods Park.  The 8th Annual SCORES Cup is just a day away.  See you at fields 2 and 4 Saturday morning!

August 15, 2011

Colorado's last CSAP scores have been tabulated and Colorado stands relatively flat.

This year was the last for CSAP testing. Next year Colorado students will take the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP). The TCAP is an alternate testing system that will be used until the Colorado Department of Education develops the new testing system that will focus on supporting students who need to catch up to grade level.

Read more about the 2011 CSAPs and Colorado's future testing plan at

August 3, 2011

The Kids Are All Right at Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market is no stranger to charitable endeavors. For its latest good deed, it's aiming to alleviate the growing problem of childhood obesity.
The organic grocer has formed the Whole Kids Foundation, which will help steer children's nutritional choices in partnership with schools and other organizations. Whole Kids' first planned program will encourage "teaching gardens," helping improve kids' relationship to food through the act of gardening.

Read the complete "The Kids Are All Right at Whole Foods" article.

July 19, 2011

New Album Brings Much Needed Spotlight to Youth

ASCAP, America SCORES and The Great Unknown Release Other Voices, Other Rooms  - CD available now on iTunes and Amazon - and streaming for free this week only at Spinner/AOL Music 

ASCAP, a membership association of songwriters, composers and music publishers, and America SCORES, the nationally acclaimed after-school program, are pleased to announce Other Voices, Other Rooms, a collection of songs by critically-acclaimed Philadelphia-based band TheGreatUnknown and America SCORES students from elementary and middle schools in Washington DC, Cleveland, Milwaukee, New York City and Boston. The songs were written and recorded in fall 2010 when the band headlined the first five-city tour for the ASCAP Songwriter Residency at America SCORES, to which all proceeds from online sales are being donated.
The CD is a brilliant, heartwarming collection of stark and bewitching alt-country songs. Beautiful, raw and touching--all lyrics written by America SCORES students, arranged by & music by The Great Unknown.
Name-your-own-price and see videos here:, or on iTunes:

July 11, 2011

Summer Soccer Clinic a success!

Saturday's clinic for SCORES Denver participants included soccer fun, seeing friends from the school year, and some great donated gear. Thank you to organizer, Lee, his family and friends for such generosity!

July 5, 2011

Spring 2011 Poetry

Effort to help the community
Also even just a little help is great
Unique stuff to help the community
Together we could do anything
I help too
Fun projects for beautification
I see awesome teamwork
Come on we can do it
And we just need people to pick up
The fun we'll have doing this together will be no surprise
In the next few weeks we can get a lot done
Our neighborhood needs work
Never stop helping

Jada S.
Brown International Academy

My Community

Bla bla bla that's our friends talking

I see a blue sky with a bright sun

I taste my neighbors enchiladas

I smell the beautiful flowers

I lay down and feel rough grass

Munroe Elementary

Where I am From
I am from a world where we all love eachother.
We love our moms our dads
our sisters and our brothers.
Where I'm from we love Chihuahuas
and they are so cute.
Where I'm from we like dark red on walls
and light green on grass.
I broke one rule where I'm from
we are supposed to eat enchiladas but
I love pepperoni pizza with melted cheese"mmmmm".
"I am hungry now."
I love to watch Wizards of Waverly Place

Eagleton Elementary

Spring 2011

May 11, 2011

Jamboree is Friday!!!

Friday all 20 Denver SCORES teams will travel to Dick's Sporting Goods Park, home of the Colorado Rapids, for a round robin tournament. All 320 poet-athletes will enjoy an afternoon full of soccer, face painting, and a book giveaway.

Family and Friends are welcome to join the festivities and support their poet-athlete as they play up to 4 games on the turf fields outside of the stadium.

Directions to Dick's Sporting Goods Park 

April 25, 2011

Munore Starts Spring Service Projects off with Passion!

Thursday morning as the rain clouds parted, a DPS school bus carrying 30 Munroe Elementary school students (ages 8-11) and two teachers arrived in City Park in Downtown Denver to volunteer with the Passion for Parks restoration project.

The students lent their assistance in planting a variety of plants throughout the East end of the Park and learned about the importance of keeping local Parks free of liter and vandalism.

During the spring season SCORES teams will conduct a variety of service learning projects in their communities.

As Denver Parks and Rec employees worked with Munroe students in City Park, over 500 volunteer Starbucks employees and customers spread throughout Denver working on similar restoration projects.

Starbucks and Denver Parks and Rec have been working together since 2007 to continue the Passions for Parks project. This year Starbucks also took the opportunity to present America SCORES Denver with a $30,000 grant.

View pictures from the event. 

April 18, 2011

SCORES National Poetry Slam is a Success!

By Cesar Diaz – HARLEM, NY (Apr 13, 2011) US Soccer Players -- Monday, April 11th, 2011 was the day when soccer finally arrived at Harlem’s World-famous Apollo Theater. Considered by many as the place "where stars are born and legends are made," the Apollo Theater enthusiastically welcomed the nonprofit organization America SCORES through its historic doors.
Read Full Article...

April 8, 2011

Denver SCORES students travel to the National Slam

Good Luck to Brayan and Adrianna at the New York City SCORES National Slam!

Brayan and Adrianna will be leaving tomorrow morning to attend the National Slam in New York City.

Brayan and Adrianna have been working very hard to prepare to the National Slam performance at the legendary Apollo Theater in Harlem.

Adrianna will be performing her poem "Understand" and Brayan will be performing his poem "I am." Coach Amanda Webb from Eagleton Elementary and Coach Erin Grossi from Cowell will be chaperoning the trip.


February 22, 2011

Megan Evans reflects on artist influence and Inspired Art

I remember being a young person writing poetry, creating artworks, trying to start out in the world as a person, figuring out my talents. What we did as youth: it was important stuff.  I’m so excited about this project, and have loved having the inspiration for a new art piece...this young eight-year-old [poet Jorge M.] has certainly brought out some life in his words, and even in his poem’s simplicity, it has brought out a renewed color vibrance in my work.
Read more about Megan at

February 14, 2011

Cynthia Ligeros Returns for Year Two

“As I paint, I explore the landscape around us, and how it connects to our lives.  Each of my paintings, in a way, is an autobiography of one moment in my life.”
Ligeros talking about her work

Read more at the Inspired Art Website.
To view some of Cyhtina’s work please visit her website at

February 8, 2011

First Jewelry Piece Submitted to Inspired Art

Originally a painter, Kathleen Gatliffe turned engineer and then metalsmith.  Her preferred medium is enamel on copper. For this year’s Inspired Art Auction she has chosen to create a pendant inspired by “Fruit” by Kimberly C.

“I really enjoyed how vivid Kimberly’s poem evoked ripe fruit eaten with great joy … perhaps picked fresh from a tree. In addition, the poem I illustrated last year referenced wolves, and it seemed fitting to illustrate another wolfchild’s work. I etched enamel so it would have the soft look of a mango’s skin and to represent the bight fibrous fruit inside I stuffed in with wool roving. ”

Read more about Kathleen Gatliffe and the Inspired Art Project at

February 4, 2011

Comments from Marilyn Leuzler

“I find the Inspired Art project to be just that; Inspired Art, brought to life by the often haunting poems written by children. The goal of the project is wonderful and not only allows children to play soccer, but gives them a venue in which to express themselves through poetry. This is truly a most rewarding project, both for me as an artist who thrives on working with children, and for the children who take part.”
Veteran inspired artist, Marilyn Leuzler, talking about the Inspired Art Project

January 31, 2011

Lyndsey Rosenberg speaks about Inspired Art

“What a great inspiration to paint the words that come from the hearts of the young writers.  I knew when I read the poems I had to paint the emotion I felt when reading them.” 
Lyndsey describing why she chose to participate in Inspired Art.

View more of Lyndsey’s work at

January 26, 2011

Water Color Artist Diana Salazar Returns to Inspired Art

Local artist Diana Salazar will return for the second annual Inspired Art.
A University of Colorado Denver alum, Salazar is a native Coloradan and beyond her painting she has also participated in both the La Piazza Del Arte and Denver Chalk Art Festivals.
Read more about Diana on the Inspired Art website or view her work at

January 21, 2011

Denslow Talks About Inspired Art

"The opportunity to help a great cause and have an impact locally is important to me. The poems submitted by the children are so creative that it is easy to build a visual art piece based on them...but so hard to choose just one poem." Denslow describing her experience with Inspired Art.
Denslow's donated piece from Inspired Art 2010

January 18, 2011

Add Roulier to the growing list of Inspired Artists

Claudia Roulier describes her work in the artist statement below.
I am a collector. I collect old things, found things, odd things, and creepy things along with pictures and ideas. I use all of these collections in my work. I like to indulge my visual side by creating captivating images, mostly animal that are both surrealistic and whimsical. These creatures tend to take on human qualities that juxtapose an idea against an image.
 Visit the Inspired Art website to which poem Roulier decided to use for inspiration and view a picture of her donated piece.

January 13, 2011

Inspired Art Welcomes Back Barth Quenzer

2010 Inspired Art donated piece
by Barth Qenzer.
Denver based artist Barth Quenzer will lend his talents to Inspired Art for the second year in a row.

Besides being an active community member, Quenzer is a professional artist and a DPS art educator. Quenzer pursues his professional career at Guerilla Garden and encourages his DPS students to "exercise critical thinking and find creative solutions to conceptual issues."

Quenzer's artistic work varies in medium and size. Some of his work is so small it could fit in a book, other pieces have been as large as 20ft. by 20ft. It is exciting to think what he might develop for this year's inspired art event!

For more information about Barth Quenzer and the 2011 Inspired Art Event visit or check out his website at

January 7, 2011

Sweetrocket Contributes to Inspired Art

Riva Sweetrocket is a contemporary pastel artist based in Denver. She has been drawing and painting since age three, her current work consists of large-scale soft pastel paintings on paper.

Riva has won many awards in the Denver area and has been featured in many venues including the Denver Botanic Gardens and Buell Theater.

This is Riva's first year participating in the Inspired Art Project. Above is a picture of her piece based on Viviana B's poem "Bubble Gum" which will be shown at this year's event courtesy of Plus Gallery.

To learn more about Riva or view more of her work visit or the Inspired Art Website

January 3, 2011

Killer Bunnies, a Terrible Universe and Jane Rabadi

New inspired artist, Jane Rabadi, has chosen Jose T's poem "The Killer Bunnies in a Terrible Universe" for her inspiration.

Originally from Indiana Jane has earned art degrees from Sweet Briar College and Metropolitan State College of Denver. She currently work as a graphic designer and fine artist in Denver and has been involved in projects for many Denver organizations including: the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, Colorado Business Committee for the Arts, and the Denver Art Museum.

To learn more about Jane Rabadi and other artisits, read student poems, or view pictures from last years event visit the Inspired Art website at