October 23, 2008

Helpful Resources for Parents...

Children face disappointment an average of 27 times per day (responsiblesports.com).
Playing sports and learning to work with others presents kids with daily opportunities to face differing types of adversity.

As parents and coaches, it can sometimes be tough to know what to say or do for kids when tough things happen in their lives. Here are some books that could be of valuable resource:

The Double Goal Coach- By Jim Thompson (Founder, Positive Coaching Aliance)

Positive Coaching: Building Character and Self Esteem Through Sports - By Jim Thompson (Founder, Positive Coaching Alliance)

Shooting in the Dark: Tales of Coaching and Leadership- By Jim Thompson (Founder, Positive Coaching Alliance)

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Lives of Adolescent Girls- By Mary Pipher

101 Ways to be a Terrific Sports Parent- Joel Fish

Feeding the Young Athlete: Sports Nutrition Made Easy for Players and Parents- By Cynthia Lair

Raise a Team Player: Teaching Kids Lasting Values on the Field, on the Court, and on the Bench- By Harry Sheehy, Dan Peary, and Joe Torre

The Baffled Parents Guide to Coaching Youth Soccer- By Bobby Clark

Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, and A Dream- By H.G. Bissinger

Season of Life- By Jeffrey Marx

Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood- By William Pollack

(List can be found online at http://www.responsiblesports.com/resource_center/responsible_sport_parenting_bookshelf.aspx)

1 comment:

Jeannette98 said...

I would suggest that you also try a soccer website at http://karldewazien.com/AskKoachKarl/Parenting/tabid/198/Default.aspx...it has great free articles for parents about how to encourage your children to play sports for fun. Enjoy!