December 14, 2010

Inpired Artist Noami Foster Returns for a 2nd Year

Noami's body of art has brought healing, hope, love and restoration back into lives of many, crossing the boundaries of race, social status and economic background.

Why she chose to participate in Inspired Art?
My artwork is inspired by children and most of the time are children.
It impressed me to see an organization focused on our children and their own creative abilities. After reading some of the poems which were so heart felt I knew I had to be a part. Inspired Art gives our young people an opportunity to express themselves in their own way & allows artists to share with children how we see their work, it is a great collaboration.

How would you describe your experience from last year?
I was honored to be a part of last years Inspired Art. I know Inspired Art is an auction and you want your work to sell for a great cause but to be honest my desire was that the poet of my piece would love it the most.

To learn more about Noami Foster or view more of her work visit or become a friend of her Facebook page.

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